In the ongoing fight between Elon Musk, and Alameda County officials over Tesla’s planned reopening of their Fremont factory, peace has yet be made. Now the “final straw” has broken the camel’s back, as the CEO threatens to take his business to either Texas or Nevada.
Tesla’s planned to reopen their factory Friday, but were met with hostility from local county officials, who intervened to stop the reopening due to a stay-at-home order. After that, Musk went to Twitter to voice his frustrations. He pointed out that the federal, state, and local city officials all support the plant’s limited reopening, but that “unelected & ignorant” county officials are getting in the way.
Musk has tried drawing support from the public, who he encourages to contact government officials to pressure them into allowing the factory to open. Since then, even the mayor of Fremont, Lily Mei, has made a statement in support of Tesla.
Finally, Elon declared the “last straw,” to his followers Saturday. His tweet stated that after filing suit, they will be looking to move headquarters, and possibly all of manufacturing, from Fremont to either their existing Nevada factory, or their future Texas location. The latter has only been a rumored location for their Cybertruck oriented Terafactory up until now.
Naturally, many people have driven up support for Elon during this conflict, some trying to get him to bring jobs to their more open-armed states. A focus of their argument is Tesla’s experience at dealing with Covid counter-measures, since they have over 7,000 employees in China, where they have reopened (momentarily). Tesla is the largest manufacturer in California, and it’s second largest exporter, according to Musk.
In a statement, an Alameda County official said, “We welcome Tesla’s proactive work on a reopening plan so that once they fit the criteria to reopen, they can do so in a way that protects their employees and the community at large.”